Sanbonani is situated at the confluence of the Sabie and North Sand Rivers and is a River / Bushveld environment and residents could encounter the following animals wandering on the property:
(Epomophorus crypturus)
(Mops condylurus)
Some of the Bat species play an important role in keeping away insects, especially the malaria carrying mosquitoes, so even though they may make a noise in the rafters they may be protecting you against those annoying bugs.
To assist you with these helpful creatures here are a few hints:
Please do not feed the cats (we have some feeding stations) or allow them into the chalets as their removal from the chalets is traumatic for the cats and their presence in and around the chalets, a problem to guests who are not cat lovers.
We do have a project whereby we work the local Vet to have them checked neutered and or spayed.
It is important that we nurture our cat population as they control the number of rodents and reptiles and, as they are territorial species, they do ensure that other cats are kept at bay.
There are several crocodiles in the Sabie and Sand Rivers. A large Crocodile was spotted on one of the ‘sandy beaches’ in the Sabie River recently. The banks of the rivers are extremely dangerous and guests are requested to remain on the high lying grass areas, when taking their morning and/or afternoon walks.
(Hippopotamus amphibious) derived from the ancient Greek meaning River horse
A hippo family has been extremely active on the Resort, during the past few years and can be found grazing in the gardens. These are WILD ANIMALS and EXTREMELY DANGEROUS and must be treated with respect at all times. In addition, it is a well-known fact that Hippos do wander around at night and guests are therefore warned to remain in well-lit areas whilst walking around the resort at night and to be aware of the danger surrounding these animals, during their daytime walks as well.
(Chlorocebusa pygerythrus)
Please watch out for these playful but potentially dangerous creatures, they could become a nuisance and raid your chalet. PLEASE DO NOT FEED THEM and keep all food out of sight, as they are known to try and break into a chalet. When you leave the chalet, please close and lock all windows and doors - even if you are going for a short walk.
There are several owls on the property including the Barn & African Wood Owl
A medium sized, pale coloured owl with whitish under parts. The bill is short and deep, with a sharply hooked tip. The eyes are brown, bill whitish or pale pink and the feet are pinkish, legs are feathered with buff-coloured feathers.
The upper parts are tawny-brown and pale grey, with white spots. The face and under parts are white, with small brown spots on the breast and belly. It has an obvious face-mask, which is whitish and heart shaped. The dark eyes stand out prominently on the pale face.
Habitat: Semi dessert to Forest regions. Often found near human habitation, which provides nesting and roosting sites. Sanbonani resident Barn Owls found under the porta cache at the central complex.
Distribution: The barn owl is one of the most successful and widespread predators on earth. Found across the globe and in almost all habitats.
Diet: Rodents
There are many different species of birds on the resort please contact Reception (Ext. 9) or Timeshare Office (Ext. 1515) for a Bird and or a Tree list.
PLEASE: Keep your eyes open and tread carefully, especially at night. Use a Torch/Flashlight. Keep on the pathways.
If you need assistance to remove a snake, please contact Sanbonani’s Reception (Ext. 9) or the Security (Ext. 2133) at the Main Gate.
If you are bitten, and require Medical assistance please refer to the Emergency Numbers List or contact Reception (Ext. 9).
Snakes are greatly misunderstood and are often killed due to lack of knowledge. The relationship between snakes and humans is a turbulent one that has evolved through the years.
Attitudes are based on outdated information, hearsay and old wife’s tales with little rational consideration to the true characteristics and behaviour of snakes.
Very few people ever encounter snakes, let alone study them, as a result the ideas that most people have about snakes are based on fear and prejudice alone.
More people are moving away from cities to the countryside. Whether the move is permanent or simply a weekend break away, we as humans are encroaching more and more into what little wilderness areas they have left.
As a result, the continuing conflict between humans and snakes is bound to escalate. By following these simple rules and guidelines you can greatly reduce the risk of snakebite.
“Think of it this way, if you obey the rules of the road while driving, you also reduce the risk of an accident” The same rule applies to snakes:
The ethos of Sanbonani Resort is for you to enjoy the Beautiful Surroundings ~ The Magic of the Confluence of the Sabie & Sand Rivers ~ Peace & Tranquillity ~ The Bird Song ~ Animal Activity ~
To ensure that your stay is happy and safe please take note of these few simple warnings.
You will be sharing your stay in an environment with many exiting and unusual creatures. Please treat them with respect and caution.
There are WILD ANIMALS on the Sanbonani property, please do not feed, chase, antagonise or interfere with them in any way.
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